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January 21, 2025
Jun 11, 2008

Employee Free Choice Act

The Employee Free Choice Act (H.R. 800, S. 1041), supported by a bipartisan coalition in Congress, would enable working people to bargain for better wages, benefits and working conditions by restoring workers’ freedom to choose for themselves whether to join a union. It would:

  • Establish stronger penalties for violation of employee rights when workers seek to form a union and during first-contract negotiations.
  • Provide mediation and arbitration for first-contract disputes.
  • Allow employees to form unions by signing cards authorizing union representation.



To learn more about the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) click link below.'ve seen the commercials, now read who's behind these lies.

Nov 22, 2007








Join the
Million Member Mobilization

We're teaming up with hundreds of organizations 
and unions to launch a
massive campaign-
the Million Member Mobilization.

Add your name to the petition and add your voice to this growing movement.  Help us meet our goal of one million signatures!

Click here

A robust middle class.  Economic growth and shared prosperity.  The American Dream.  None are possible unless workers have the free choice to bargain for a better life-in their workplaces and in our nation.

That's why we need the Employee Free Choice Act-critical legislation that would restore workers' freedom to form unions and bargain for better wages, health care, and working conditions-and have a voice in our economy.

We're teaming up with hundreds of organizations and unions to launch a massive campaign-the Million Member Mobilization.

We're going to show the new President and Congress that there are one million people who want to give hardworking families a chance to get ahead.  Can you be one of the first?

Click here to sign the petition for the Employee Free Choice Act.

Why is this bill so important?  It's plain as day: workers are struggling in this country. 

The playing field is tilted in favor of lavishly-paid CEOs, who get golden parachutes while middle class families get stuck holding the bag.  The Employee Free Choice Act can restore the balance, giving workers freedom to form unions and bargain for better a life - and an opportunity to pursue their dreams. 

Corporate interests are fighting the Employee Free Choice Act with everything they've got.  They're already running anti-union ads across the country and here in oregon to protecting the status quo-a rigged system which allows them to intimidate, harass, and even fire workers who try to form a union.  We're not talking about isolated incidents: 30% of employers illegally fire workers who try to form unions. Half of employers illegally threaten to close down if a union is formed at their worksite. And, 80% of employees are forced to sit through mandatory, anti-union meetings led by their bosses during a union organizing effort. No one should have to worry about losing their job or be forced to listen to anti-union, anti-worker propaganda just because they want to bargain for a better life.

It's time our economy worked for everyone again.  It's time for Congress to pass the Employee Free Choice Act. 

Add your name to the petition and add your voice to this growing movement.  Help us meet our goal of one million signatures! You can go to: to sign the petition.

When you sign, be sure to upload your picture, too.  We'll share it with lawmakers so they can see the faces of everyone who cares about this issue.

Together, we can change the law, change the economy, and change our futures for the better.
In solidarity,


The Oregon AFL-CIO Team

P.S. Help spread the word about the real John McCain. Please encourage others you know to visit our McCain Revealed online briefing book by forwarding this message. Have a website or blog? Add one of our buttons linking to McCain Revealed.

Ask friends and family to join you in this growing movement for fairness for working men and women. As them to sign the petition and tell Congress to pass the Employee Free Choice Act!

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Apr 15, 2008
ILWU Endorsed Candidates for May 20th Primary
  • United States President - Senator Barack Obama  (won)
  • United States Senate - State Representative Jeff Merkley  (won)
  • Oregon Attorney General - John Kroger  (won)
  • Secretary of State - State Senator Vicki Walker
  • Oregon State Treasurer - State Senator Ben Westlund  (won)



ILWU Endorses Senator Barack Obama for President

ILWU President Robert McEllrath and U.S. Presidential Candidate Senator Barack Obama met at the San Francisco Labor Council in Summer 2007.
ILWU President Robert McEllrath and Democratic Presidential Candidate U.S. Senator Barack Obama at the San Francisco Labor Council in Summer 2007 (D-Ill.). Photo by John Showalter

The International Longshore and Warehouse Union endorsed Senator Barack Obama for President today, concluding he is “the best candidate for working families.”
International Executive Board members made the decision after meeting with different campaigns and examining their positions on key issues that will impact working families in the coming years, including:

  • Bringing our troops home safely from Iraq.
  • Re-thinking “free trade” agreements that have destroyed jobs.
  • Making quality, affordable health care available to all Americans.
  • Allowing workers to choose unions without employer intimidation.

“America’s working families are ready for a candidate with a fresh approach who will put people first and hold corporations more accountable,” said ILWU International President Bob McEllrath.  “Obama met with us, listened to our concerns, and we think he’ll do the best job on the issues that matter most to working families.


ILWU Endorses Jeff Merkley for US Senate

The International Longshore and Warehouse Union threw its support today behind Oregon Democratic House Speaker Jeff Merkley’s bid to unseat Gordon Smith. The ILWU is the first AFL-CIO union to endorse Jeff for U.S. Senate.

“The ILWU is committed to advancing the political and economic interests of workers in the United States and throughout the world,” ILWU Secretary-Treasurer William Adams said in a letter to Jeff. “We look forward to working with you to achieve our mutual goals.”

The ILWU represents 60,000 workers on the West Coast of the United States and Hawaii. These men and women are employed in longshore, warehousing, agriculture, tourism, and manufacturing industries. The marine division of the ILWU, the Inland Boatmen’s Union, represents ferry, tug, and barge workers.

The Longshoremen joined the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 555, which was the first union to endorse Jeff. They comprise a growing group of unions committed to electing a US Senator who will represent Oregon’s workers and their families.

Posted Jeff Merkley website

October 9, 2007

Oct 02, 2007

Buy Union

Oregon-Made and Sold

  • Answer America phone services(CWA)
  • Cingular Wireless phone services (Communications Workers of America)
  • Gerber Legendary Blades (Machinists)
  • Powells Books (ILWU)
  • Pendleton Woolen Mills, blankets and housewares (UNITE HERE)
  • Harley-Davidson motorcycles (Machinists and Steelworkers)
  • Tillamook County Creamery cheese (Operating Engineers)
  • Oregon Ballet Theatre, Oregon Symphony, Portland Opera
  • Also, baked goods from Oroweat, Franz, Williams, Fred Meyer Clackamas Bakery and Safeway Clackamas Bread Plant (Bakers)
  • See our comprehensive list of printers and media production companies in Oregon and SW Washington at this link.

National Union-Made Brands

Thanks to the Northwest Labor Press for compiling the information below. Always look for the "Made in the USA" label.

Click on a category to see union-made brands:

Ship Union


Oct 02, 2007

Buy Union

Unfair / Do Not Patronize List

The Oregon AFL-CIO compiles an Unfair/Do Not Patronize List produced from requests by the AFL-CIO Central Labor Councils within the state placing employers on a statewide list. The basis for placement of an employer on the statewide "Unfair/Do Not Patronize List" is anti-labor conduct including, but not limited to, the following: failure to sign a labor agreement; commission of an unfair labor practice; violations of state or federal laws or rules; utilization of non-union labor; utilization or promotion of non-union goods or services; anti-union practices; failure to provide workers with fair and equitable wages and benefits, decent hours and working conditions.

Revised as of August 10, 2007 by Executive Board action.


Because of their dramatic, anti-worker firing of thousands of their employees simply for working their way up the wage scale. This move encourages other companies to follow suit.

Because of their business connections to Andrew Weiderhorn, Jeffrey Grayson, Dean Kirkland and Capital consultants, whose financial manipulations caused the loss of $350 million in union pension fund assets.

Union busting practices.

Major contributor to the Ballot Measure 8 campaign to reduce public employees' pay and pensions.

Anti-union practices nationally and in Oregon and its refusal to accept charitable donations from an affiliated union local in Oregon.

Visit the national AFL-CIO's Union Label and Service Department at for more information.

Oregon AFL-CIO

This website is union made. Developed by Kari Chisholm, UAW 1981. Managed by Jennifer Sargent, IBEW 48.

Page Last Updated: Jun 11, 2008 (16:20:00)
ILWU Local 40
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